Productivity Hacks from Someone Who’s Still Figuring It Out

Productivity Hacks from Someone Who’s Still Figuring It Out

Let’s talk productivity, shall we? Or, as I like to call it, “How to Get Your Life Together in a World Full of Distractions.” Between juggling work, writing, web design, notary duties, and my cat demanding a five-star gourmet meal every morning, I’ve found that productivity is less about strict schedules and more about finding what works for you—and laughing at the rest.

Tip #1: Set the Scene for Success (or at least for a good laugh).

First things first, if you want to be productive, you’ve got to set the stage. Clear your desk of all distractions—like that collection of half-empty coffee mugs (yes, they count). A clean space leads to a clear mind, or so they say. Personally, I’ve found that moving my clutter from the desk to the chair and then back again throughout the day gives me just the right amount of physical activity. Who needs a gym, right?

Tip #2: Get Inspired by the Pros (No, not Netflix binge-watchers).

If you’re like me and love a good story to kickstart your productivity, you must check out Juliet’s School of Possibilities by Laura Vanderkam. This book is all about balancing your time and priorities, told through a story that’s way more engaging than any self-help lecture. If you’re looking for more wisdom, here are a few other productivity powerhouses:

  • “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: For those who want to make small changes and watch them stack up to big wins. It’s like legos, but for your brain.
  • “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma: A bit ambitious for those of us who think 7 AM is an ungodly hour, but hey, it’s worth a read. If nothing else, it’ll give you a sense of what’s possible before most people are even awake.
  • “Deep Work” by Cal Newport: For those who need to dive deep into focus (and figure out what “deep work” actually means without getting lost in a social media scroll session).

Tip #3: Break Tasks into Tiny, Manageable Pieces (or crumbs, if you will).

There’s something magical about breaking down tasks into bite-sized chunks. It makes the mountain of “To-Do’s” look more like a molehill. I’m all about taking that overwhelming “Write a Novel” and turning it into “Write 500 words today.” Because let’s face it, “Write a Novel” makes me want to take a nap. “Write 500 words” sounds like I might still have time for Netflix later.

Tip #4: Reward Yourself (Because You Deserve It, Obviously).

What’s the point of being productive if there’s no fun involved? I say, celebrate every little victory! Finished writing a blog post? Treat yourself to a walk, a cookie, or both. Managed to get through your emails without falling into the abyss of spam? That calls for a dance break. Life’s too short not to celebrate the small wins!

Tip #5: Embrace the Chaos (It’s Here to Stay Anyway).

Look, I’ve tried to fight chaos, but it seems to be my lifelong companion. The sooner you embrace it, the sooner you can start being productive in the midst of it. Some of my best ideas have come when I’m in the middle of fifteen different things. So, embrace your inner multi-tasker, and don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go according to plan.

Tip #6: Use Tools Wisely (And By Tools, I Mean Coffee).

There’s no shame in using tools to get the job done. For some, it’s a meticulously planned calendar. For me, it’s a protein energy shake, Apple Music, and a playlist called “You Got This, Babe.” Find what fuels you and lean into it. Even if it’s that third cup of coffee you promised you wouldn’t have.

Conclusion: You’re Doing Great, Sweetie.

Remember, productivity isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress. It’s about finding what works for you and laughing at what doesn’t. So, pick up one of these great books, try out a new tip, and remember—you’re doing better than you think.

Happy productivity!

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